Articles publiés par Julien Guillot - Partner in social and co-ownership law

Recent Reforms and New Challenges for Condominiums: The Rise of Digitalization and Financial Forecasting

Sep 16, 2024

Condominium management in France is changing rapidly in 2024 with the introduction of new regulations aimed at modernizing, digitizing and better an...

Procedure for collecting unpaid condominium charges: A complete guide for owners and tenants

August 09, 2024

Managing condominium charges can often be a tricky business, especially when it comes to recovering unpaid charges...

Why a lawyer is essential for your co-ownership

August 02, 2024

Managing a condominium can be complex and fraught with pitfalls. Between the rules to follow, the conflicts to resolve, and the important decisions to ...

Co-ownership management: Legal and administrative obligations

Jul 31, 2024

Managing a condominium involves a number of legal and administrative obligations to ensure the smooth running of the building and its...

Who monitors condominium managers? An in-depth analysis

Jul 31, 2024

Who monitors condominium managers? An in-depth analysis
Managing a condominium is a complex task that requires competence, rigor and ...

Who chooses the condominium corporation's lawyer?

Jul 31, 2024

As a co-owner, it's essential to understand the process of selecting a lawyer for the syndicate of co-owners. This decision, crucial for the...

Who pays the fees in the event of condominium proceedings?

Jul 31, 2024

When a co-ownership is faced with legal proceedings, the question of payment of legal fees inevitably arises. It is ess...

What are the obligations of a co-ownership?

Jul 31, 2024

Managing a condominium involves a number of legal and administrative obligations to ensure the smooth running of the building and its...

8 items

Latest articles

Recent Reforms and New Challenges for Condominiums: The Rise of Digitalization and Financial Forecasting

Sep 16, 2024

The foreclosure procedure in France: A complete guide for co-owners and real estate professionals

Sep 05, 2024

The ALUR law

August 28, 2024


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