Lexelians has been supporting us for seven years in our corporate tasks and market operations. We're delighted to be able to count on Laurent and Jonathan, who are always available and creative. The firm's entrepreneurial spirit is particularly appreciated by our shareholders and industrial partners.

David Auregan

CFO - Theraclion

Lexelians, and in particular the founder Laurent Beauvoit, are recognised specialists in market transactions and securities law. We regularly call on the team for stock market transactions, as well as dual track stock market transactions versus VC or PE fundraising. The team’s expertise is recognised not only by the players involved, but also by the market authorities and investment funds. Laurent is really the person we call first for this type of deal. What's more, Laurent's legal expertise is enhanced by the fluidity he has acquired and demonstrated on the operational and commercial sides. We like the firm for its pragmatic, issue-solving approach. A key player in this segment.

Christian Finan

Founder & managing partner -
CF Capital Partners

I highly recommend the support provided by Lexelians, and in particular Laurent Beauvoit and Jonathan Santoro, whose pragmatism, efficiency, and availability are always appreciated. Their proactive approach has made them true partners, particularly valuable for a medium-sized company like ours.

Steed Rigaut

Head of Legal Affairs - Broadpeak

Thanks to the support of Lexelians, despite a difficult year in 2022, we were able to raise 8 million funds.

Laurent BEAUVOIT, our legal advisor specializing in the securities law, handles all our new operations. Lexelians is a "family" firm that works closely with companies and their needs.


Chairman and CEO - Metavisio

Lexelians has been an invaluable partner for our IPO on Euronext Growth, and subsequently for our 1st round of financing. Their solid expertise in securities law, combined with their responsiveness and pragmatic approach, greatly facilitated the resolution of our legal issues. We unreservedly recommend Laurent Beauvoit and Jonathan Santoro for their efficient professionalism.

Perrine Fromont


We have been working with Lexelians for many years on equity financing issues, and are very satisfied with this cooperation. In particular, we appreciate the ability of Laurent Beauvoit and his team to listen, react and be inventive, enabling them to keep in step with our needs.

Fabrice Evangelista

CEO - IRIS Capital Investment

Eurobio Scientific outsources all its corporate legal obligations to Laurent and his team, as well as all aspects relating to the company's listing on Alternext. This long-standing relationship has enabled us to appreciate the quality of the work delivered, the efficiency of the interventions, the anticipation, the proximity and above all the availability to carry out the work within often very tight deadlines.

Hervé Duchesne de Lamotte

DAF Eurobio Scientific

We have worked with Lexelians on several financial operations. Each time, we appreciated the rigor, availability and expertise of the teams involved. Laurent Beauvoit and his team also share a genuine entrepreneurial spirit, an real asset when it comes to being as close as possible to managers' issues. And they do this with unfailing commitment and interpersonal skills!

Stéphane Ruiz

partner Actifin financial communication

We recently called on Laurent and his team to assist us with our securities operations and corporate law. We particularly appreciate the team's constant responsiveness and availability, despite often very tight deadlines. We rely on their strong expertise in securities law combined with an obvious pragmatism that always enables us to find the right solution for the situation.

Aurélie Gramusset

CFO Visiomed Group

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